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Many people believe that they have awful teeth: yellowish, uneven, chipped. Here comes believe that their smile is not beautiful and just spoils the face. That's not true and every smile is beautiful if it is sincere.

However, for those who do not believe in this, dental clinics offer teeth restoration. It is often called an aesthetic or artistic restoration. And this is absolutely true words because its objective – is not just to restore damaged tooth function but also to make it totally indistinguishable from the rest teeth. In other words, caries will not be just eliminated, but also the filling will be masked in a way one can see it only with X-ray help. Restoration can correct not only one tooth but the whole smile and make it an ideal one: to change teeth shape and color.

What is important is that the restoration is performed during a single visit to the dentist with just one injection of anesthesia. That's how quick and easy it is. In addition, the patient does not have to walk with prepared for the further procedures teeth. Open teeth are very susceptible to various infections. Besides, restoration keeps the maximum amount of native tissues.

There are no contraindications, but sometimes there are points when the procedure is better not to carry out and to postpone for a while. For example, if the patient has SARS, respiratory diseases, herpes ... The most annoying is when the doctor recommends procedure transferring, because of not being satisfied with the oral hygienic conditions.

In the arsenal of aesthetic restoration there is a filling material – don't be afraid, not that one of strange gray color, but such one which after small polish gets a color a natural tooth; veneers, inlays and crowns.

лампа для компазитаFilling material is used when it is necessary to grow some teeth part. Just a while ago applied sealing means were not able to simulate a natural tooth – not by color and transparency, not by splendor, strength and abrasion. In modern dentistry composite filling materials are used and they can replicate the diversity of colors, transparency, layering, and functionality.

Composite materials are means which consist of dyes, glass-like substance, a filler (in most cases it is made of quartz) and of a substance like tar. Composites are reflected in the blue light of a special lamp when a dentist needs that. This means that the doctor has enough time to give a tooth the desired micro relief.

Teeth build-up with composite filling materials usage allows to make a model of tooth width and length, removing gaps between teeth. If to build-up an erased length on the front teeth, a smile will get "younger."

винирыVeneers are ideal when you need to restore the front teeth form. They hide the "wrong" color, curvature, teeth various size, irregularity of their arrangement, diasteme (gaps). Dentist needs only to pick up a necessary shape and size. Veneers are a metal-ceramic or porcelain plates which are attached directly onto the tooth by special cement – bond - usage.

The disadvantage of veneers is that the process of restoration happens not at once. At first the dentist removes a part of the enamel, and then he makes a jaw mold. After this, the dental technician creates individual plates. Only when they are ready, the doctor will invite the patient for a "try-on". If veneers are suitable, the doctor will set them just in a minute.

So what is preferable: veneers or filling material? Both techniques successfully perform one and same task – they make teeth more perfect. However, there are differences.

Filling must be polished every half year, otherwise it begins to lose its brightness and acquire tarnish which distinguishes it from the total number of teeth. On the other hand, in the case of cleavage or boundary between filling and natural teeth appearance, you would need just to fix it a little bit with a filling material. But if veneer will come to harm somehow, then you would go through the procedure once again.

If to take care of your teeth and regularly pass preventive inspections, then the teeth filling will serve you during 10-15 years. Veneers are also durable – they have 20-30 years of guarantee.

Crowns are used when a tooth tip is destroyed on more than 75%. The tooth is treated, after which its top is covered with a metal, ceramic or any other modern material cap.

Pay attention! If you want to make your smile whiter, then the procedure of teeth whitening should be done before teeth restoration. Artificial teeth are adjusted onto the rest ones color. And then bleaches do not act on them.


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  • Alex
    Спасибо за то, что Вы есть! Удалял у Вас зуб в прошлом году, сначала боялся, а потом даже желания уходить от Вас не было :)) Настолько теплая атмосфера и внимательность. Подскажите еще пожалуйста, у меня сейчас режутся зубы мудрости - стоит ли их удалять сразу, чтобы не было потом возможных проблем или все же пусть растут - а там видно будет? Заранее спасибо.
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день Александр, спасибо за теплые слова и за доверие ко мне. Что касается зуббов мудрости то прежде чем удалять желательно посмотреть их анатомическое расположение, для этого нужно делать Ортопантомограмму(рентгеновский снимок всех зубов), и только после можно решить их судьбу. С уваженем КМН КАМАЛЯН А.В.
  • Сергей
    Здравствуйте Ашот Владимирович! Хотел бы узнать о лечении кисты зуба (21) хирургическим путем. В чем заключается операция, длительность, метод обезболивания? За ранее благодарен за ответ.
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день Сегей ход и итог операции заключается в том чтобы ликвидировать очаг онфекции и в образовавшися дефект (полость от кисты) для того чтобы он не распростронялся на соседние зубы и вовлек их в этот процесс, утромбовывать костный материал после ликвидации очага инфекции и при надобности резекции верхушки корня до здоровых тканей ...
  • Сергей
    Спасибо большое за столь быстрый ответ! А у вас в центре проводят данную операцию и сколько это будет стоить?
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день операция провожу я, стоимость зависит от обема кисты(на сколько зубов он распростронился). С уважением КМН Камалян Ашот Владимирович