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Modern dentistry is aimed onto teeth preserving even in cases when diseases are very difficult to treat. Twenty years ago teeth affected by periodontitis were removed; the same thing happened when tooth cyst appeared. Today every self-respecting dentist has a big set of tooth-preserving operations. These types of operations combine the therapeutic and surgical methods of treatment.

Tooth-preserving surgery can be divided into several types:

  • different tumors in bone and soft tissues of oral cavity removal
  • directional tissue regeneration
  • radiectomy
  • vestibular plastic
  • tongue bridle and lips correction
  • periodontal diseases treatment

воспаление пульпы (пульпит)Tumors of the oral cavity include cysts and granulomas. A cyst occurs as a complication after an injury or after some illness (e.g. periodontitis). It looks like a capsule, which localizing the infection within itself – this is a kind of protection from penetration of infection to other tissues. Inside the cyst is lined with epithelium, and from the outside it is covered with connective tissue. Its emergence and its growth are absolutely transparent to the patient, because the symptoms are absent. Often the patient finds out about the cyst formation when it grows to such proportions that it becomes visible from the outside. Cyst sticks out from a jaw, and the outer bones plates become thinner.

верхушечный периодонтит (гранулема)The therapeutic treatment consists of tooth root canal washing with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs usage. Unfortunately, the result is not always successful. In this a surgical intervention is required.

There are two options possible out here: cystotomy and cystectomy.

Cystotomy is performed in cases, when the cyst is so large that three teeth can be placed into its projection and also if the cyst had already thinned the bone: on the lower jaw at its base or on the upper jaw at a process of bone fracture of the nasal cavity and palate plate.

околокорневая кистаCystectomy involves the front wall of the cyst remove. Then the interior of the cyst is opened into threshold or directly into the mouth. After this the cystic cavity is gently cleaned with cotton swab after which an exudate is assigning. Then directly onto the cyst an earlier raised flap of mucous membrane is put and everything is stitching tightly.

After the surgery a course of anti-inflammatory and anti-therapy is carried out. Plus - anesthetics and careful oral hygiene.

Cystectomy involves the complete removal of the cyst and its shell, after which the wound sutures. This operation is carried out only in cases of small cysts - 1-2 teeth and some other close to them teeth. A large cyst is also an indication for Cystectomy, of course, if the bone was not thinned up to 0.5-1 sm

Before the operation from all teeth, roots of which are lying in the area of cystic cavity, a dental pulp must be removed.

In the postoperative period a dentist appoint some decongestants, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic medications, vitamins and medicines which deprive the sensitivity.

первый этап верхушечной резекцииIt is not uncommon when cystectomy and cystotomy are performed simultaneously with the operation of tooth apex resection for cyst and infection out of tooth root removal.

Radiectomy is necessary if a patient has tumors in a form of cyst or granulomas in a sealed canal, during periodontitis or in a case of inability to get to the tooth root (for example, if the tooth has a crown or bridge put onto it) and also is a case when filling material is exiting out of the tooth tip.

второй этап верхушечной резекцииThe operation starts from making a small incision in the gum through which the cyst or granulomas are removed. Further, the canal is sealed; the damaged bone tissue is filled with bone fillers and medicines. Gum is sutured.

The operation starts from making a small incision in the gum through which the cyst or granulomas are removed. Further, the canal is sealed; the damaged bone tissue is filled with bone fillers and medicines. Gum is sutured.

Tooth-preserving surgeries of tooth root canal amputation are carried out when one of the tooth roots becoming sick or damaged. An injured root is amputated and three-root tooth turns into two-root tooth. Thus, the doctor saves the tooth without it losing its functionality.

результат верхушечной резекцииSometimes caries strikes a tooth at the place of roots connection. In this case, the tooth is cut into half, and the dentist gets an access to the affected area.

The task of directed tissue regeneration surgery is to restore the missing tissues. During the operation a special membrane, which separates different cell formations, is used. Talking more specifically, it isolates bone-seeking agent, which is earlier was laid onto bone, from gums so that a full bone can grow up in a place where it is needed to be present.

In modern dentistry, a vestibullo-plastic operation is difficult to overestimate. It is carried out during varied types and ways of treatment and even as a prevention of teeth and gums diseases.

Vestibullo-plastic operation is needed for oral cavity threshold (the space between the serried teeth and lips and cheek) deepening and area of attached gingiva increasing. The operation involves the moving of facial muscles, which are attached to the alveolar bone, deep into the threshold.

Vestibullo-plastic is used as a mean of recession and periodontitis prevention. Often it plays a supporting role during the implantation, if the facial muscles are attached too high and it becomes a reason for gum inflammation in the area of implants installation. Beside vestibullo-plastic performs a preparatory role before flap (patchwork) surgeries and before orthodontic treatment.

In general, the operation proceeds as follows: anesthesia, the flap selection, muscle and periosteum exfoliating, muscle movement, wound closure and the final stage - disinfection.

A large number of tooth-preserving operations have been developed for the periodontal disease treatment. Periodontal diseases are almost never treated with therapeutic methods.

Operations which are aimed for periodontal disease treatment can even be divided into groups: flap surgeries, oral cavity threshold correcting operations, and curettage. Surgical intervention helps to destroy the source of infection and stop the destruction of the bone. After tooth-preserving operations an orthopedic and medication treatment and physiotherapy are appointed to be carried out on periodontal.

To save a maximum of native teeth is the main principle of modern dentistry!


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  • Alex
    Спасибо за то, что Вы есть! Удалял у Вас зуб в прошлом году, сначала боялся, а потом даже желания уходить от Вас не было :)) Настолько теплая атмосфера и внимательность. Подскажите еще пожалуйста, у меня сейчас режутся зубы мудрости - стоит ли их удалять сразу, чтобы не было потом возможных проблем или все же пусть растут - а там видно будет? Заранее спасибо.
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день Александр, спасибо за теплые слова и за доверие ко мне. Что касается зуббов мудрости то прежде чем удалять желательно посмотреть их анатомическое расположение, для этого нужно делать Ортопантомограмму(рентгеновский снимок всех зубов), и только после можно решить их судьбу. С уваженем КМН КАМАЛЯН А.В.
  • Сергей
    Здравствуйте Ашот Владимирович! Хотел бы узнать о лечении кисты зуба (21) хирургическим путем. В чем заключается операция, длительность, метод обезболивания? За ранее благодарен за ответ.
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день Сегей ход и итог операции заключается в том чтобы ликвидировать очаг онфекции и в образовавшися дефект (полость от кисты) для того чтобы он не распростронялся на соседние зубы и вовлек их в этот процесс, утромбовывать костный материал после ликвидации очага инфекции и при надобности резекции верхушки корня до здоровых тканей ...
  • Сергей
    Спасибо большое за столь быстрый ответ! А у вас в центре проводят данную операцию и сколько это будет стоить?
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день операция провожу я, стоимость зависит от обема кисты(на сколько зубов он распростронился). С уважением КМН Камалян Ашот Владимирович