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The loss of even one tooth affects the status of all remained. The teeth displacing toward the freed space – the whole teeth row and chewing surface deforms. In some time, arthritis declares about itself - a crunch in the joints, pain and inability to open the mouth up to the end. It is terrible to imagine what kind of problems the loss of several teeth could bring.

In order to avoid negative consequences, it makes sense to go directly to the dentist. He will advise the best way of tooth prosthesis. Professionally chosen prosthesis will help not only to avoid new problems connected with teeth lack, but also solve the ones that have already occurred. Restoring lost teeth will return attractiveness to your appearance and will better the general teeth row health.

If few teeth are absent in the mouth, or sub-chewing teeth, which gives reliance to non-removable bridges, are missed, then dentists prefer to use a removable prosthesis.

Removable prosthesis can be used in almost any clinical case, regardless of the defect size and the tooth row, because they evenly distribute the chewing load between the remained teeth, gums and bone tissue. This help to protect natural teeth from overloads and maximum save them, even if they become loose.

It would be a mistake to think that you would have to take your teeth out and soak them in a glass of water like our grandparents did. Since those times dentistry has advanced far ahead. Besides, the doctor can make it so that nobody would understand that the teeth are not natural. From the outside it will be completely invisible, even if you happily smile with all your 32 teeth.

Today the most popular prosthesis is a clasp one. The reasons for such a great and pure love of both dentists and patients to it are next:
  • they do not need any additional teeth turning and crowns for abutment teeth production. Trauma is reduced significantly.
  • easy and simple care and no need to take them off at night. It is enough to remove the prosthesis in the morning and in the evening for cleaning your natural teeth, and for washing the artificial teeth under the water. Unfortunately, removable prosthesis needs much more complicated care, because between gum and artificial teeth some food particles collecting and bacteria starts to multiply actively.
  • factories punching a huge amount of artificial teeth of various shapes and colors made of the latest composite materials. Due to this, the dentist will make the clasp prosthesis from copies which are indistinguishable from native ones. It is also evident that the industrially produced teeth are much stronger than those which are made by doctor for removable constructions.

Clasp prosthesis consists of a metal arc (an alloy of precious metal or cobalt chromium), to which other elements are fixing, and clamps which hold it on one place. One more item is a saddle with artificial gum, to which false teeth are setting.

Such a structure gives the clasp prostheses great advantages over the standard ones. First, due to metal arc they have smaller sizes, and due to the modern alloys use their weight decreasing. As a result, you would need just one day to get use to them.

The only one minus is that they will cost a decent amount. Clasp prosthesis simply can't be cheaper: expensive materials and equipment, plus high labor intensity.

Clasp prostheses can be divided into two branches: clamps and interlockers.

Clamps are fixed in the mouth by means of special hooks (clasps), which tightly grasp the tooth. Plus – no need to grind an abutment tooth and enamel remains unharmed. Minus - clamps can be seen from outside.

Interlocking prostheses are held by means of locks, which have special key. Their construction is divided into 2 parts. First part is a non-removable metal bridge, and the second part is a removable one. It is tacked to the first part with a key help. An attachment is absolutely fixed and invisible from outside (no matter where is it placed).

So it can be said, that the interlocking clasp prosthesis is a hybrid of clasps and cermet fixed prosthesis.


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  • Alex
    Спасибо за то, что Вы есть! Удалял у Вас зуб в прошлом году, сначала боялся, а потом даже желания уходить от Вас не было :)) Настолько теплая атмосфера и внимательность. Подскажите еще пожалуйста, у меня сейчас режутся зубы мудрости - стоит ли их удалять сразу, чтобы не было потом возможных проблем или все же пусть растут - а там видно будет? Заранее спасибо.
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день Александр, спасибо за теплые слова и за доверие ко мне. Что касается зуббов мудрости то прежде чем удалять желательно посмотреть их анатомическое расположение, для этого нужно делать Ортопантомограмму(рентгеновский снимок всех зубов), и только после можно решить их судьбу. С уваженем КМН КАМАЛЯН А.В.
  • Сергей
    Здравствуйте Ашот Владимирович! Хотел бы узнать о лечении кисты зуба (21) хирургическим путем. В чем заключается операция, длительность, метод обезболивания? За ранее благодарен за ответ.
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день Сегей ход и итог операции заключается в том чтобы ликвидировать очаг онфекции и в образовавшися дефект (полость от кисты) для того чтобы он не распростронялся на соседние зубы и вовлек их в этот процесс, утромбовывать костный материал после ликвидации очага инфекции и при надобности резекции верхушки корня до здоровых тканей ...
  • Сергей
    Спасибо большое за столь быстрый ответ! А у вас в центре проводят данную операцию и сколько это будет стоить?
    Отвечаем Вам
    Добрый день операция провожу я, стоимость зависит от обема кисты(на сколько зубов он распростронился). С уважением КМН Камалян Ашот Владимирович